Flowering Sustainable Herb for Good Health
Blue CurlsĀ Trichostema lanatum
Blue Curls are easy to grow even in our long drought. Right now I have beautiful purple-blue blooms on my garden plant, and the only water it has received is from rain.
Locally, Cahuilla boil the leaves and flowers for stomache tea, and Kumeyaay use the tea for colds. Other tribes use the tea for colds and general well-being.
The tea is also helpful for respiratory inflammation, blood sugar regulation, menstrual stimulation, and in the old days was used to help with easing the placenta afterbirth.
Blue Curls, also known as Wild Rosemary because the leaves resemble rosemary, has a fruity and pleasant herb taste. It can be used to season food–try it in recipes where you add other mint family or rosemary herbs such as with vegetables, pasta, eggs, and salads.